Sunday, October 3, 2010

On the Mountain

When I close my eyes, I see my self where I really am right now. Not in my swiveling office chair, pecking at the keyboard. But where my soul is. I am atop a lush green hillside, soaking in the brilliant sunshine. Brad is next to me and our kids are running up and down the grassy knolls around us, squealing with abandon. Peace washes over us in warm slow waves. We know life is good and are well aware that the boundary lines have fallen for us in pleasant places. Thanksgiving floods our hearts for the blessings God has showered on us. As we watch the children run blissfully, we are running, too, for our hearts are free.  

Moving to Orlando three years ago, we unpacked most boxes quickly. Some, however, took longer while we decided what to do with the contents. One thing we unpacked slowly, deliberately, were the blessings that God generously and continuously gave to us: Freedom. Friends. Community. Financial Peace. Strength in Marriage. School. Church. More Friends. Knowing Him More. Trusting Him More. Love.  I cannot fully grasp all that has been done here in this time, but it has been wonderful on this hill. A part of me has been somewhat fearful that a time would come to move down from the hill and into the valley. Valleys have deep tones, painful tones. Ones I have not wanted to face, given the easy and full life up on my hill. But life promises us valleys at some time or other. Have my prayers for God to humble me, make me ever more dependent and trusting of Him held an implicit plea for a trip to the valley?

Up on our hill, we sense the gentle winds of change beginning to blow at our backs. The wind is gentle now, making us aware of its presence, but soon it will pick up strength and we will have to adjust our position. Whether it forces us down into the valley or just to another grassy knoll remains to be seen. But change is a-coming. My desire is to follow God's will, wherever it leads us. I hope He sees that as much as I love life here, and all of the incredible people He has joined our hearts with, I am willing to lay it all down to follow Him. After all, what good is an offering that costs me nothing?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

God Answers

I had the opportunity to witness God's faithful response to prayer today. And as usual, not in the way one would expect. Let me fill you in:  a couple of weeks ago while driving to school one morning, my children and I saw a man driving a little girl to school on a motorscooter. It struck me at the time that it was very unsafe to have her on the back of that scooter. What if they had a wreck? I knew I could do nothing but pray for them, and so I did, all the way to school as I followed them.  

Today at school pickup, I saw him again, picking her up on the scooter. I was filled with that same dreadful feeling, and as they followed me out onto Lake Brantley Rd, I prayed again that God would protect them and keep them safe. As we turned onto 434, he passed me in the left lane and we made it through one light before he hit a bump and lost control of the scooter. It zigged this way and that as he attempted to regain control. I watched in slow motion and witnessed what I had feared:  the scooter losing control and the two of them sailing through the air.  He landed on top of her and rolled off. The scooter was in several pieces in the busy 4-lane road. 

I immediately pulled over, ordering my children to remain buckled up inside. I ran to the scene where many others were already gathering, calling 911. The girl, Maya, was scared and crying, but intact. Her leg was scraped and bleeding all the way up to her thigh. The father was lying on the ground and was responsive, not bleeding. He said his back hurt, so was told not to move, but wait for the ambulance. I began to pray silently over them, and suddenly I noticed two women crossing the highway toward the scene. It was two women I know from Bible study at church, Karen and Tracy.  They came purposefully toward the man, laid hands on his legs and began to pray powerfully over him and the girl for God's care, protection and healing. I joined them in this powerful moment of intercession. 

As I returned to my car, I was overwhelmed.  On the way home, I pondered all I had seen and experienced.  One might think that God had not answered my prayers, given the occurrence of the wreck and how frightening it was.  But the more I thought about it, I was certain that God had indeed heard and answered those pleas for their safety.  After all, no one had anything broken (that we could readily see), there was minimal blood from the scrapped up leg, everyone was conscious (just shaken up), and most precious of all was they were both very much alive. PRAISE GOD. He deserves our highest praise when we acknowledge how faithful and caring he is as he responds to our prayers.  Just sometimes, it may not be the answer we expect.

May God bless each of you with His answers...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Baby Hands

Tonight as I was tucking my son into bed, I marveled at his 4-year-old hands. How chubby they still are at his age, still with little fat rings around his wrists. The sweet way his fingers curled and relaxed as he was drifting off to sleep. My daughter's hands no longer show any signs of the plump and dimpled little hands with which she used to hug us. I was reminded of a bedtime a few months ago when my son asked me as I kissed those hands, "Mommy, do you love my baby hands?" Oh my goodness, how my heart melted. If I could preserve my children in this precious innocent state forever, I would.

But then, as I continued to admire his "baby hands", my mind drifted to times beyond tonight. I began to look at his hands, wondering what they would do in his life. Were these the hands that would throw a football in an important game? Would they take delight in preparing foods and being near a stove? Would they hold a hammer and transform wood? Hold a Bible and be amazed at God's promises? Would they be held high in praise to God? Would they go into the world to serve him? Would they be the hands that someday hold another woman's hand in love besides my own? Would they one day hold his own child?

My future, and his, leaped before my mind's eye as I pondered these things. And while part of me desperately wants to push pause on life's clock and keep my children this way forever, I cannot do it. God has amazing plans for them to accomplish in this life. I have to let go, heartbreaking as it is, and commend them into His service, even now at this tender age. But I am not afraid, for God loves and watches over them in ways I could never achieve. Now, as I get past my initial desire to hold tight to them, I will choose to let them flutter out from my palm, eagerly waiting to see how these baby hands do big things for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Dear Child, I know the plans I have for you. I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIrV)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Take My Life and Let It Be

  1. Take my life and let it be
    Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
    Take my hands and let them move
    At the impulse of Thy love.
  2. Take my feet and let them be
    Swift and beautiful for Thee;
    Take my voice and let me sing,
    Always, only for my King.
  3. Take my lips and let them be
    Filled with messages from Thee;
    Take my silver and my gold,
    Not a mite would I withhold.
  4. Take my moments and my days,
    Let them flow in endless praise;
    Take my intellect and use
    Every pow’r as Thou shalt choose.
  5. Take my will and make it Thine,
    It shall be no longer mine;
    Take my heart, it is Thine own,
    It shall be Thy royal throne.
  6. Take my love, my Lord, I pour
    At Thy feet its treasure store;
    Take myself and I will be
    Ever, only, all for Thee.

--Frances Havergal, 1874

Friday, January 22, 2010

Spiritual Breathing

'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word, just to rest upon His promise, and to know, "Thus saith the Lord!"  (Louisa Stead, 1882)

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2
Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Today as I cleaned house, I really tried to put into practice what my study group, the Sowing Circle, has been learning in our Elizabeth George study A Woman After God's Own Heart. We have talked about how to make "praying without ceasing" a reality in our everyday lives. I turned on praise music to set my heart on the right frequency. And then, at every turn that I had a choice to make, I was conscious to ask God what he wanted me to do first, before making up my own mind. It is a departure from my history of trying to please God by my own methods...but oh what sweet peace it brings. It has been a wonderful way to keep my feet on His path for me today, rather than my on way. I feel peace in this moment as I have honored my priorities today by caring for my home, rather than running out to the mall to take advantage of a sale. I know, I know... the Gymbucks do have quite a gravitational pull!

There is much truth in keeping Christ the first breath, first thought of every moment. The peace it has brought me today alone is evidence of that. Spiritual breathing, Elizabeth George calls it - a breath in, a prayer out.

Now, cram in a shower before rushing to carpool, or more prayer time with you? I think I already know the answer......