Friday, May 6, 2011

Blessed Interruptions

God was extra busy today in my sphere of the world. Little did I know he was cooking up a moment of divine interruption that would bless both me and a friend. For the past 5 weeks we have been having some work done in our house. As a result, there has been a steady stream of workers coming and going. Today would have been the first in many weeks that no one would be in my house as I arrived back home. At last I could get some cleaning done and begin to put our house back together again like poor Humpty Dumpty.

On my way home, I got a phone call from a friend in tears over some devestating developments in her home life. She was begging for my prayers, which I promised to offer generously. However, the more I neared my driveway, the less I felt the need to head in and work, and the more I became aware of the call to go and be with her, and pray with her that very moment. Generally I am not very impulsive. I like to know well in advance what is on the agenda so I can mentally prepare. However, in this moment, I heard these words flowing from my mouth: "I just have to run in my house for something and I will be there in 20 minutes." She did not argue but gratefully accepted. I knew without a doubt this was God orchestrating this whole thing. As soon as I hung up, a flood of fervent prayers began to erupt, pleading for God to equip me, use me, fill with me with His Spirit and His words of life. Once in the house He lead me right to two powerful prayer resources and reminded me to grab my Bible. On the drive to her house, He filled me up and gave me every direction I would need.

This spontaneous prayer time not only blessed my friend in a time of crisis, but it boosted my own faith as well. So often we're petrified God will call on us one day because we fear we won't be able somehow to do what He has asked of us. I am boldly proposing that even as God calls us, He is in standby mode. All we have to do is open our mouths to ask for His help, and He readily places into our possesion exactly what we will need in order to obey His call.

Thank you Lord Jesus for interrupting me today. It was my incredible honor to be chosen by you to minister Your love to my sweet, hurting friend.

As a side note, the blessings of that prayer time included a miraculous stretching of time: God graciously ensured I had enough time to still accomplish some of my chores before the day was over. See, our obedience costs us something but God will always compensate our obedience with blessing.

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